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Ethnic Groups

This Ethnic Map, courtesy of the Idaho Mining Association, shows provides a general picture of where the different ethnic groups located in the State of Idaho. They came from all walks of life. Miners were, perhaps, the most widely diverse occupational group.

Ethnic Group ~ Traditions and Notes

Asian (Chinese & Japanese) ~ Miners & Domestic Workers; The Asian comprised mostly of Chinese origins and some Japanese origins had been a part of the early Idaho's mining explosion around the time of the Civil War if not before. These Asians were miners in all the mining districts, and as well as domestic workers such as cooks, launders, and other servitude traditions. The Asian however never stayed as many have returned to their families in their native country, even at death for traditionally their remains would be buried and then later gathered to be taken to their families in their country.

Basque ~ Traditional Sheepherders; Sheepherders who settled in Southwestern Idaho. The vast majority of the Basques lived in the Boise area were from the province of Bizkaia. Basque names first started appearing here in the late 1800's. Although it wasn't something they did originally, many worked as sheepherders while the English and Scots had lots of sheep and they needed workers. Some also worked as miners and loggers. They're known for their honest, hard-working ethnic. Many Basque came to this area as more work became available.

Black (African American) ~ Runaways, Former Slaves, & Scouts; Blacks in York, Idaho, included scouts on the Lewis & Clark Expedition, free-born-never-enslaved, former slaves, and runaway slaves.

Czech ~ See Ethnic Map for general Czechs population

Dutch ~ primarily farmers

English (includes Cornish & Irish) ~ Miners, and Settlers; English includes the Cornish & Irish who were primarily miners to the Western side of the state. Then the Mormons were in general on the Eastern Idaho area. However, the Mormons had mixed ethnicities but it was their faith that kept them being in proximities of the mining districts, though some were involved in mining away from those that didn't fit into their religious values.

Finnish ~ Silver Valley & Long Valley

French & French Canadians ~ Early Miners, then spread across the state

German & German Russians ~ Shoshone, Latah, Kootenai, Nez Perce, Bannock, Bingham, & Minidoka Counties

Gypsy ~ These Gypsy and Traveler cultures include those traditionally known, or referring to themselves as Rom, Romanichels, Cale, Sinti, Ludar, Romungre, Irish Travelers, Scottish Travelers and many others.

Hispanic (Mexican) ~ agricultural workers

Italian ~ primarily miners in Central mining districts

Mormon ~ Settlements in Central & Eastern Idaho, & Upper Snake River Valley

Native American (Coeurd'Alene) ~ Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe (Skitswish)

Native American (Kootenai) ~ Kootenai Tribes

Native American (Nez Perce) ~ Nez Perce Tribe

Native American (Shoshone-Bannock) ~ Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

Native American (Shoshone-Paiute) ~ Shoshone-Paiute Tribes

Pole & Slovak ~ Sawtooth Mountain Range

Portuguese ~ Settled in Lincoln & Gooding counties

Scandinavian ~ Panhandle Settlements, Bear Lake Valley & Upper Snake River Valley

Swiss ~ primarily farmers

Welsh ~ Miners, Mormons & Railroad Workers

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This page was last updated 03/20/2025