10 James Andrew Mitchell Born: 3 Jan 1867 Place: Franklin, ID Marr: 2 Aug 1890 Place: Warship, Summit, UT Died: 22 Oct 1918 Place: Shelly, Bingham, ID |
4 Ezekiel Lee Pierce Born: 18 Feb 1892 Place: Annis, Fremont, ID Marr: 1 Jan 1914 Place: Menan, Fremont, ID Died: 9 Apr 1949 Place: Annis, Jefferson, ID |
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11 Olive Lorena Shippen Born: 3 Oct 1870 Place: Wanship, Summit, UT Died: 13 Mar 1893 Place: Menan, Fremont, ID |
2 Marion Charles Pierce Born:20 May 1917 Place: Annis, Jefferson Co., ID Marr:24 Dec 1947 Place: Brigham City, Box Elder, UT Died:4 Nov 1989 Place: Idaho Falls, Bonneville, ID |
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20 James Mitchell Born: 4 Feb 1841 Place: Clackmanan, B, Scotland Marr:16 Feb 1865 Place: Salt Lake City, UT Died: 1 Sep 1910 Place: Shelly, Bingham, ID |
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5 Mary Lorena Mitchell Born: 5 Mar 1893 Place: Menan, Fremont, ID Died: 2 Nov 1962 Place: Ashton, Fremont, ID |
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21 Ann Hull Born: 28 May 1849 Place: In the Den, A, Scotland Died:16 Apr 1923 Place: Preston, Franklin, ID |
1 Sandra Pierce Price -------------- Born: Place: |
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22 Charles Wesley Shippen Born: 1 Apr 1838 Place: Waterford, Oak, MI Marr: 9 Aug 1858 Place: Salt Lake, UT Died: 6 Feb 1900 Place: Menan, Fremont, ID |
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8 Francis Marion Pierce Born: 1 May 1857 Place: Liberty, McKean, PA Marr: 24 Jan 1885 Place: Annis, Fremont, ID Died: 23 Jan 1944 Place: Chicago, Cook, IL |
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23 Mary Avarilla Casper Born: 17 Dec 1837 Place: Painsville, G, OH Died: 23 Nov 1919 Place: Menan, Fremont, ID |
3 Beatrice Judson Born: 25 Mar 1925 Place: Perry, Box Elder, Utah Died: 29 Aug 2000 Place: Idaho Falls, Bonneville, ID |
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42 Thomas Hull Born: 5 Nov 1805 Place: Tergoland, Derry, Ireland Marr: 1834 Place: Ireland Died: 2 Feb 1886 Place: Weston, Franklin, ID |
9 Elizabeth Jane Lee Born: 14 Apr 1858 Place: Big Cottonwood, Salt Lake, UT Died: 21 Sept 1940 Place: Idaho Falls, Bonneville, ID |
43 Mary Benson Born: 15 Jun 1812 Place: New Buildings, Derry, Ireland Died: 16 Sept 1876 Place: Hooper, Weber, UT |
Contributed by Sandy Price Sandyfamly@aol.com
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