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Post Office Checklist Updates

A Checklist of Idaho Post Offices 1862-1988 by Richard W. Helbock (1989) is the most complete catalog of Idaho Post Offices that has been published to date. The checklist data also appears as the Idaho portion of United States Post Offices Volume I - The West by Richard W. Helbock (1998). Some of the data is out of date. A listing of corrections and updates to the data follows.

PO, CountyDatesSINotes
ATLANTA, Elmore1870/19951correct Dates and change SI
BERN, Bear Lake1901-19881correct Dates and change SI
BIG WILLOW, Payette1907-19164correct County
BLACK ROCK - delete erroneous entry - see BLACKROCK
BLACKROCK, Kootenai1909-19135add new entry
CALLANDER - delete erroneous entry - see CALLENDER
CALLENDER, Idaho1900-19046add new entry
CANYON CREEK, Madison1909-19234correct Dates
CENTER, Valley1889-19104correct County
postmarks read CENTRE as well as CENTER
CENTERVILLE, Boise1893/19521correct Dates
postmarks read CENTERVILLE as well as CENTREVILLE
CLARKIA, Shoshone1894-19961correct Dates and change SI
CLEAR LAKE - delete erroneous entry - see CLEARLAKE
CLEARLAKE, Gooding1905-19184add new entry
CLEARWATER, Idaho1895-19841correct Dates
COBALT, Lemhi1951-19861correct Dates
designated address place only 1986 and administratively discontinued 1988
CONDA, Caribou1921-19851correct Dates
COPPDALE, Jerome1909-19116add new entry
COPPERDALE - delete erroneous entry - see COPPDALE
CUSTER, Custer1880/19393correct Dates
DESKE - delete erroneous entry - see DRAKE
DINGLE, Bear Lake1890-19921correct Dates and change SI
DONIPHAN, Blaine1886-19055correct Dates
EILEEN, Boundary1912-19146correct County
ELBA, Cassia1883-19961correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1996 and administratively discontinued 1998
ELLIS, Lemhi1899/19185add new entry
POD records show ESMERALDA but period postmarks read ROCKY BAR
FELT, Teton1913-19851correct Dates
designated address place only 1985 and administratively discontinued 1986
FIR GROVE, Kootenai1909-19107correct Dates
postmarks read FLORENCE as well as FLORENCE CITY
FOX, Teton1892-18957correct Dates
FRENCH RANCH, Idaho1867-18699correct County
FRITZ, Camas1901-19037correct County
FRUITVALE, Adams1909-19961correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1996 and administratively discontinued 2002
GIBBONSVILLE, Lemhi1878-19991correct Dates and change SI
GOLDBURG, Custer1890-19422correct Dates
GRIMES PASS, Boise1913-19422correct Dates
HANGMANS CREEK - delete erroneous entry - PO was never in Idaho
HANNA, Gem1909-19125correct County
HARRIMAN, Gooding1909-19126correct County
HEADQUARTERS, Clearwater1928-19931correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1993 and administratively discontinued 1994
HIGH, Valley1891-18927correct County
HIGHLAND, Ada1898-19046add new entry
HIGHLAND, Boise1904-19076correct Dates
HILL CITY, Camas1912-19981correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1998 and administratively discontinued 2004
HOLBROOK, Oneida1901-19851correct Dates
HORSESHOE BEND, Boise1968-Date0correct Dates and change SI
HUMPHREY'S, Camas1887-18966correct PO name
KING HILL, Elmore1908-19921correct Dates and change SI
LAKE FORK, Valley1934-19841correct Dates
LETHA, Gem1911-19961correct Dates and change SI
LITTLEFIELD, Shoshone1884-18897correct Dates
LYON, Bonneville1900-19095correct County
MACKS INN, Fremont1930-19881correct Dates and change SI
MAPLETON, Franklin1898-19076correct County
MISSION CREEK - delete erroneous entry - see NEWSOM CREEK
MORAVIA, Boundary1903/19432correct Dates
MYRTLE, Shoshone1885-18907correct Dates
NEWSOM CREEK, Idaho1871/18758add new entry
OVID, Bear Lake1871-19911correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1991 and administratively discontinued 1996
PALISADES, Bonneville1952-19931correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1993 and administratively discontinued 1996
PALOUSE BRIDGE, Latah1873-18778add new entry
PEN D'OREILLE, Kootenai1867/18758correct County
PICABO, Blaine1900-19871correct Dates
PINEDALE, Valley1896-18977correct County
postmarks read PIONEER as well as PIONEERVILLE
PLAINS, Camas1908/19154correct Dates
POWELL, Butte1896/19126correct County
PRAIRIE, Elmore1909-19541correct County
REUBENS, Lewis1908-19861correct Dates
RICE, Fremont1899-19134add new entry
RISE - delete erroneous entry - see RICE
ROOSEVELT, Valley1902-19154correct Dates and change SI
ROSA, Bonneville1896-19105correct County
SEBESTA, Benewah1915-19254correct Dates and change SI
POD records show SENEAQUOTEEN but period postmarks read SENEAGUOTEEN
SHEIK, Lemhi1923-19275correct County
SHOSHONE, Jerome1870-18719add new entry
SHOSHONE, Lincoln1883-Date0correct Dates
SMOKY, Blaine1882/18888correct County
SPALDING, Nez Perce1897-19971correct Dates and change SI
service suspended 1997 and administratively discontinued 2002
POD records show STEUNENBERG but period postmarks read STEUNENBURG
STONE, Oneida1895-19851correct Dates
SUN VALLEY, Blaine1937/Date0correct Dates
TERMINUS, various1878-18806correct County and Dates
PO moved as Utah and Northern Railroad construction progressed
TERMINUS, various1882-18838add new entry
PO moved as Oregon Short Line Railroad construction progressed
THUNDERBOLT, Valley1905-19067correct County
TURNER, Caribou1900/19293correct County
TWIN SPRINGS, Boise1937-19532add new entry
postmarks read TWIN SPRINGS as well as TWINSPRINGS
TWINZ - delete erroneous entry - see TWIN SPRINGS
VICTOR, Teton1895-Date0correct Dates
VIOLA, Latah1883/Date0correct Dates
service suspended 1998 but continued 2001
WAY, Caribou1910/19214correct County
WAYAN, Caribou1894-19881correct Dates
WILBERT, Butte1914-19157correct County

Contributed 2021 Oct 05 by Mark Metkin

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This page was last updated 12/26/2024