One thing IDGenWeb volunteers have in common is a desire share valuable
genealogical and historical information with others. You can make one-time
contribution, commit to short-term task(s), and/or take on a long-term role.
If you have the interest and time to help in any way, please volunteer. We
welcome volunteers who monitor and report any typos or broken links. We welcome
volunteers who
donate family histories, document images, and/or photos for the state
and/or county
sites. We welcome volunteers who locate and/or transcribe data. We welcome
volunteers who are
available to provide basic assistance to researchers. We need you!
Become a Contributor. Contributors transcribe and submit information and data that can be published on one of the county websites. Contributions can be as simple as posting a surname you are researching or making a query. Contributors also share information by gathering information, such as tombstone readings, obituaries, sharing historic photographs and transcribing data that is then published on the county website by the county coordinator.
Become a Lookup Volunteer. Lookup volunteers offer to do lookups via e-mail in genealogical resources that they own or have access to. Every county coordinator is searching for volunteers to help researchers with simple lookup requests. If you have access to cemetery records, county and town histories, marriage information, or any other genealogically useful data, then contact the appropriate county coordinator and tell him or her you'd like to be a lookup volunteer for their county website.
Become a County Coordinator (CC). CCs manage & maintain the county web sites. CCs come from different backgrounds. They are men and women from young to older and can live anywhere there is access to the internet. The only prerequisites are having a sincere interest in the genealogy of the county they coordinate, and the ability to use HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to maintain a website. Learning website maintainence is easier than it may appear to be. The IDGenWeb team is here to help.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with a county that is not available
for adoption, please contact the County Coordinator listed for the county.
PLEASE, don't hesitate to participate. Every little bit you
contribute will be appreciated.
IDGenWeb is part of the USGenWeb Project. Please review what The USGenWeb Project offers to volunteers in their Volunteer Information and if you are considering becoming a County Coordinator (CC), check out all their Website Support topics, including SC & CC Guidelines.
The USGenWeb Project logos are available at
The USGenWeb Project copyright policy is at
IDGenWeb has several counties waiting for a volunteer to adopt them. They are identified in the table on our Counties page. All our counties have a website. As a County Coordinator, you can continue using the existing design, convert to a template provided at USGenWeb, convert to an IDGenWeb template (contact Norma), or create your own website design.
IDGenWeb expects County Coordinators will
To volunteer, please contact State Coordinator: Kerry A. Hairston
Copyright © 1996 - The USGenWeb® Project, IDGenWeb