Valley County, IDGenWeb Project

topo map
Sharon McConnel,
Valley County Coordinator

History Index

Post Office History ~ locations and postmasters

Mining Districts: Big Creek, Edwardsburg, Deadwood, Profile, Thunder Mountain, Warm Lake, Yellow Pine. Mining Districts Map

Long Valley Ambush, 1878
Women in Thunder Mountain, 1902, Viola Lamb, Mrs. Smith and M. A. Rice
1910 census, Roosevelt precinct
First Officals, 1917
1918 The Red Cross Work, Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the Valley County Branch; people named: Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Weant, Mrs. Hill, W. H. Taylor, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Hite, Mrs Osborn, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. J. H. Hill, Chairman; Mrs. J. H. Madden, Tres. (courtesy of Kitchen family)
Cabarton, MacGregor, Logging Company towns
East Fork of the South Fork Road, by Ron Smith; 1920 & 1952; Thanks, Ron!
"Ghosts Walk Under The Water," by Faith Turner, from "Scenic Idaho," Winter 1954 (The Thunder Mountain Story)
Valley County, A Gem of the Gem State, from "Scenic Idaho," Winter 1954
Martial Law Declared, 1931
"Gold Stampede at Thunder Mountain Brought New Life to Yellow Pine Area", by Earl Willson, from "The Idaho Statesman," December 26, 1962
"Thunder Mountain 'Tome Up,' The Thunder Mountain Story," Earl Willson, 1963
Historical Register   ::    Century Farms
Valley Co. GenWeb Archives for more newspaper articles

Newspapers, Ads and other Ephemera

"1904-1905, The Prospector and Thunder Mountain News" at yellowpinetimes.wordpress; images

When Col. Dewey bought the Caswells' Thunder Mountain claims (east present-day Valley Co.) in late 1900, the rush was on and businesses sprang up along the route. Ads from "Thunder Mountain News," April 22, 1905, courtesy of Steven Harshfield - Thank you, Steve, for sharing!
    Roosevelt Delivery O. T. Lingo, Prop.
    Boise-Pearl Stage, T. B. Walker, Prop.
    Plowman's, Payett River, Montour
    Taylor House, Sweet
    Millers, Ola & Miller's Store, Thunder City
    Sults' Ola, Thunder City, Vanwyck Stage
      (Post office history places Thunder City about six miles west of Cascade and Vanwyck was about three miles southwest of Cascade.)
    Hays & Harley, General Wayhouse
    Smith Ferry, L. M. Gorton, Prop.
    Peter Neeb, The Round Valley Wayhouse, Fern, P.O., Peter Neeb, prop.
    Kentucky Home Hotel, Thunder City Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Alvey, proprietors
    W. H. Taylor, Scott Valley Farm
    Cross & Conyer's Big Creek Station
    C. C. Randall, Randall's Transfer, Knox P.O. Store; Feed Barn, Wm. Howel, Manager; Post office history places Knox 25 miles NE of Cascade
    J. Kelly & L. McShane, Knox post office
    Temperance House, at Trappers Flat, W. J. Burke, Prop.
    Diamond's Road House, Reardon Creek
    Summit House on Monumental Summit

1906, No Saloons on Reserve, Roosevelt, Knox, Morrison, wagon road affected
Other -
1942 Bradley Mining Company, Miners and Muckers Wanted

McCall History

The Last Telephone Operator: 1955-1960, by Nancy Brown Tomlin, Thanks, Nancy!
May 1915: Payette Lakes are Dazzling Water Gems (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
1900: Payette Lake Resort/Hotel McCall a Delightful Place to Spend an Outing (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
1913: Season's Work on Payette Valley Now Over/Crews Stop with Rails laid to Within Eleven Miles of McCall (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
June 16, 1917: Fishing and Boating are Fine; Arrivals and Sales; Baseball; School's Out, etc (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
1917: McCall to Have a Newspaper; A Bank Formed; Williams leave for Winter; Automobile Parties to Roseberry (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
1918: Shall We Call It M'Call? (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
1919: Payette Lakes/Growing Resort (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
1922: Ice Harvest Good on Payette Lakes; Increased Demands for Houses; Hay Prices (Courtesy of Nancy Brown Tomlin)
Winter Sports Carnival

McCall and Roseberry in 1910, extracted from "The King's Pines of Idaho; a Story of the Browns of McCall" by Grace Edgington Jordan, Binfords & Mort Publishers, Portland, Oregon, 1961.

"Tall Grass, Thick Timber Lures McCalls", Idaho Statesman, December 17, 1939 (off-site)

Founding of McCall, by Frank Rowland (off-site)
McCall Public Library Collection

100 Years Valley County and the City of Cascade, Centennial Magazine

Off-site Links

Loon Lake, includes story of the B-23 that crash landed in 1943
see also Payette National Forest, Heritage Program, story by Richard Holm
1904 Annual report of the mining industry of Idaho, by Robert Bell, Inspector of Mines, at google books (includes mining districts and Thunder Mountain Road)
Idaho State Historical Society Reference Series, includes articles on Stibnite, Roosevelt and Thunder Mountain
Payette National Forest, History & Culture
McCall history at "The Hunt Lodge" website
Western Mining History
Walter Cole's Riordan Lake by Horse and Wagon, 1907. Starts in Meridan, goes thru Box Springs (Ada County), Dry Buck, Thunder City, Knox, down to Trout Creek, up Johnson Creek. Names mentioned include Peterson a stage man, Doc Alllen, "Poker Jack's" Cabin, Snow's Cabin, Art Ballard and Charley Cantwell.

References & Reading

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